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In the morning, I went to a doctor and got the prescriptions for antibiotics. Then, when I got home, I began listening to Peterson’s lecture, struggling with a desire to fall asleep. My eyes were closed for the most part, and I opened them only as he suddenly changed intonation or something unusual hit my ears. At one moment, I heard him saying that the world consists of not “matter” but “what’s really matter.” It made me think about philosophy. I came up with a few questions, which may be used for a discussion. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with X, where these questions will find an application. The first question is, “Why do we need philosophy?” Then it goes like this: If one wants to be a philosopher, what should he do? What’s matter for a philosopher? What kinds of problems does philosophy solve? What does philosophy bring to our lives? How to build an appropriate environment for philosophy to flourish?

A few days ago, I started making a list of topics which I’d like to discuss at the speaking club. Usually, I prefer to choose topics one after another without making long lists; but this time I was in a reflective mood and discovered more than 30 topics, all of which I would like to talk about in the next half a year. It’s fascinating to look at every thought as if it could be a topic for discussion. Every thought is a seed which may grow into something bigger, and the club is like a ground for these seeds. Moreover, it’s interesting to see how different ideas come across my mind, holding my attention for a while and then replacing each other. When I pick up a topic, discuss it at the club and then pick up a new one, my vision is very limited. But if I make a list of topics, discuss one of them and then may choose out of the list what’s better to discuss next, it’s gonna make me see the entire thing more broadly.    

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